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September 2016, Here we go again! The matter could be to clothe the top.

The weather was very hot late August, the thick walls of the house store heat. So inside it is a bit stuffy. Some sessions will not last more than an hour, work began on 1st, ended 5th.

Découpe de tissu à pois Le tissu coupé

Well, let's see:
It is short, without sleeves.

Couture sur Singer 239

You will have no image of fittings, this time: it's open front, you'll see enough of my anatomy when it's over!
The first side seams are too wide, it does not close. Do again. Then we have to adjust the shape of the armhole.

Découpe de bandes de tissu en biais

For the rest, it becomes very serious: for my other clothes made of the same fabric, the edge strips are cut in line. But there it will be curved, it won't follow, we need bias.
Cutout of strips at 45 degrees.

Préparation d'une bande de biais

Shaping the first two bands, which length is sufficient for armholes.
Even Thierry's iron looks like a toy! But it does not heat enough, the bias unfolds itself if waiting too long.

Couture du biais aux emmanchures

Sewing the armholes. It's the second time Thierry unsews the sides!

Le vêtement, emmanchures terminées

It vaguely begins to look like a garment, but work remains.

Bandes de tissu cousues bout-à-bout

Sew the other fabric strips end to end.

Détail sur une couture mise à plat

Iron the seams flat.

Le biais terminé, enroulé sur une boite en carton

And shape the bias.
(Did you see? for that, he borrowed his mom's steam iron!)
Six strips of approximately 35cm, we get at least two meters of ribbon (some will remain).

On the 4th, I come back for a big fitting session (no, no, no, no pictures!).

Le vêtement, coupe finale

Determine the shape of the neckline, shorten again, make the the cut of the bottom.

Pose du biais

And stitch the bias all around ... It's not a piece of cake!


We end the day with a fitting, with a temporary clip.
Will remain to return the threads and set more discrete fasteners.

It's finished!

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